The Latest from SECOORA
August 1, 2011
Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association

In this issue:  SECOORA Welcomes New Member | IOOS at CZ | SECOORA at Renewable Energy Forum | News from SECOORA PIs | SECOORA/SAA Meeting | Gulf News | Fish News | Job Announcements | Coming Events


SECOORA Welcomes New Member

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest member Rick Cole, President of RDSEA International, Inc., a Florida-based oceanographic consulting company founded in 2002.  After twenty-one years with the University of South Florida (USF), Rick retired to focus his attention on RDSEA to bridge gaps within the ocean community between federal agencies, universities and the private sector on scientific, engineering and environmental monitoring endeavors.  RDSEA offers over thirty-years of experience on, in and under our oceans on a wide range of projects from the beach on out to over 5000 meters depth (including bays and estuaries) with a focus on air-sea interaction and ocean circulation.  RDSEA's most recent project involved the design, development, manufacture and deployment of several moored buoy systems for the First Institute of Oceanography, Qingdao, China and the Administration of Marine Fisheries Research, Jakarta, Indonesia on the "Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Prediction Program (RAMA, a subcomponent of the Indian Ocean Observing System, IndOOS).  This is a partnership that involves fellow SECOORA member Jeff Kinder, Managing Director of Down East Instrumentation, LLC.  For further information visit www.rdsea.comFor further information visit  We look forward to Rick sharing his expertise and experiences with SECOORA.



SECOORA had a strong presence at CZ'11 in Chicago. In addition to participating in sessions related to coastal marine spatial planning (CMSP), water quality, and national ocean policy implementation, SECOORA helped staff the IOOS exhibit and co-moderated a caf� on IOOS and CMSP.


SECOORA at South Carolina Renewable Energy Forum
SECOORA was an exhibitor at the South Carolina Renewable Energy Forum meeting held July 27, 2011 at Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, Columbia, SC. This annual event focuses on renewable energy development in South Carolina and the potential economic impact from the growth of a strong green energy industry. The event featured speakers from academia, private sector, and state agencies who shared their vision and expertise on how South Carolina can play a role in this growing sector. At the forum, SECOORA displayed its member capabilities and its expertise to effectively investigate and provide monitoring data and services to support offshore energy initiatives.  By participating, SECOORA also showed that it is an active participant in shaping the green energy future of the state and the SE Region. The presentations from the forum will be made available via the SECOORA web site shortly.


News from SECOORA Principal Investigators

Mitch Roffer, of ROFFER'S OCEAN FISHING FORECASTING SERVICE, INC.:  Information Release on Mississippi River Water in Gulf of Mexico.


Scientists from SECOORA member universities East Carolina University (ECU) and Coastal Carolina University (CCU) have been studying oceanographic processes in the Gulf of Mexico for many years.  A series of ocean-impacting events, including hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005), the Deepwater Horizon oil spill last year and chronic low oxygen conditions, have caused them to maintain a research focus in the area.  Drs. Reide Corbett, Sid Mitra and J.P. Walsh are geochemists and geological oceanographers from ECU who are interested in how materials from land are dispersed and accumulated in the sea, and they will be working with Dr. Kevin Xu from Coastal Carolina University aboard the R/V Cape Hatteras in early August to study sedimentation from the 2011 flooding of Mississippi River.  The faculty will bring along a science crew of eight students and will use the Hatteras to collect seabed and water-column samples and measurements.  Dr. David Kimmel is biological oceanographer from ECU and had a student aboard the R/V Pelican in mid-July to evaluate how the flooding affected the zooplankton community. Specifically they used laser optical plankton counter to determine how the zooplankton community distribution is altered by the largest, predicted Gulf of Mexico hypoxia event (dead zone) since monitoring began. For more information, please contact Kevin Xu at [email protected].



Dr. Nick Shay from University of Miami is a member of the National High Frequency Radar (HFR) Technical Steering Team and attended a team meeting held July 19-20, 2011 in Boulder, CO. The meeting was led by Dr. Jack Harlan, HF Radar Manager from U.S. IOOS. Discussions were held on surface current measurements by HFR in freshwater environments, models with HFR data assimilation methods and wave measurements with HFR. Discussions were also held to address several technical issues related to the future of HFR network O&M and HFR network expansion based with the President's proposed budget of $5M for FY2012. The meeting notes are under preparation and will be made available via IOOS web site once it becomes available.

For any further questions related to the meeting, please email Dr. Nick Shay ([email protected]). 




Please join us for the joint SECOORA/Governor's South Atlantic Alliance (SAA) meeting September 7-9, 2011 in Savannah, GA.  The meeting will be held at the Hilton Savannah DeSoto.  Room registration for the meeting is now open!  The reservation group code is SCO and the cutoff date to make reservations under this group to receive the group rate is August 8, 2011. Attendees can make reservations by calling the hotel at 912-232-9000 or 1-877-280-0751, or by visiting and entering the Group/Convention Code: SCO. Please complete the registration form so we can manage attendance.  If you have any questions, please contact Susannah Sheldon at [email protected] or 843.696.6837.  A full agenda will be available shortly.


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Other News of Interest

Gulf of Mexico News 

Senate Hearing on Gulf Oil Spill 

On July 20, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard (Chair, Senator Mark Begich, D-AK) held a hearing titled, "Looking to the Future: Lessons in Prevention, Response, and Restoration From the Gulf Oil Spill." The purpose of the hearing was to understand the current status of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the state of progress of long-term restoration activities and the Natural Resource Damage Assessment, and the continuing challenges faces in the wake of the spill. The Assistant Administrator of NOAA's National Ocean Service, David Kennedy, testified.  Read his testimony.

(From NOAA Legislative Update, July 2011)


Webinar: The Role of States and Public Support Mechanisms in Addressing Offshore Wind Financing

This webinar is sponsored by the Clean Energy States Alliance and co-hosted by the Department of Energy and the US Offshore Wind Collaborative.  It will be held Tuesday, August 9, 2011 from 1-2:30pm ET.  Register now.


South Atlantic Fish News 

The excerpt below is from the South Atlantic Fish News from the Pew Environment Group's Southeast Fish Conservation Campaign: Sustainable Fishing Today for Healthier Fisheries Tomorrow.  Learn more at the Web site or join the mailing  list by emailing Leda Dunmire.   


Anglers Speak Up for Healthy Fisheries
Several members of the southeast fishing community recently created a 5-minute public service announcement on the importance of science-based fishery management for healthy fish and oceans in the future. Their voices - and the voices of similar conservation-minded anglers - are important for managers to hear as we move toward more long-term sustainability in the region


NOAA Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee

Nominations are being sought for the NOAA Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee. Deadline for nominations is August 26th.

Job Announcements

Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Chief Scientific Officer

The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GRI) Research Board (RB) is seeking qualified candidates for Chief Scientific Officer (CSO). The CSO will provide science and research advice and leadership and will coordinate between the RB and other administration (Administrative Unit [AU] and Grants Unit [GU]) of the GRI. The CSO will support the RB in ensuring the intellectual quality, research effectiveness, and scientific independence of the GRI research program.  View more details.


MARACOOS seeks Executive Director

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS), a regional non-profit organization seeks a dynamic leader to serve as Executive Director.  Visit the Web site for more information.

Coming Events 

August 3-4, 2011 Ocean Renewable Energy Conference, Portland, Oregon


August 8th -12th, 2011 Cyberinfrastructure Summer Institute for Geoscientists  (CSIG'11), San Diego, CA


September 7-9, 2011 Joint SECOORA/SAA Meeting , Savannah, GA


September 19-22, 2011 OCEANS '11 MTS/IEEE,  Kona, Hawai'i 


September 24, 2011 National Estuaries Day


October 2-5, 2011 Teledyne RD Instruments ADCPs in Action Users™ Conference, San Diego, CA


October 18-21, 2011 Ocean Innovation 2011, Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada 


October 19-21, 2011 American Shore & Beach Preservation Association conference, New Orleans, LA 


November 4-7, 2011 NRDA for the Gulf: Improving Our Ability to Quantify Chronic Damages, Baltimore, MD

November 7-9, 2011 Using Modeling to Solve Engineering and Environmental Assessment Problems, St. Augustine, Florida


November 14-17, 2011 NFRA/IOOS Regional Coordination Workshop, New England


January 22-26 2012 American Meteorological Society 92nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA  Abstracts Due Today (August 1).


Send us your news!

If you have news to contribute, email [email protected]. Examples of newsworthy items include upcoming meetings, employment opportunity announcements, and major project news.

Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association
Are you interested in ocean observations, ecosystem management, marine operations, or coastal hazards? Then you should know about SECOORA, the Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association. SECOORA is the regional solution to integrating coastal and ocean observing in the Southeast United States. Commitment to ocean observing technologies in our region is critical. Your input, guidance, support, and membership will insure that SECOORA continues to develop the products and services that you need. Join SECOORA and be a part of the Southeast's future. Contact Executive Director Debra Hernandez ([email protected]) for more information.
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